Photo enhanced Pictures
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The ghostly effect created by these photo landscapes.
Photo inhanced pictures can tell a detailed story.

In high art you look at the textures and feel the mood of the picture.
The year is won the good prevaled but only the evil was left in a rebelion againt the state of the times. All groups are segragated the choise is yours join or die!

Hindered by the decline in air quality smoke is esenssial, there was only one hope if you can ween yourself off of air.

  Monarky of k-oss

Enter the castle of K-oss the head quarters of doom were Dr. Don Tay resides and run most world citys in the modern world. He is a target of most due to his ruthless realist manor...

K-OSS Manor
  The citys fell and the underdog triumphed The world fell into this state due to greed and ignorence selfishness of a few powerful individuals, DR Don was the only one to pleed for peace but with a warrning...

Do this at this time and you will live

DR Don Tay's city
  What happened to this city...find out! if this story is remotly interesting find out about the comic version of these and more storys...

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